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I like the style but winning or losing is entirely RNG and that sucks


it's cool but maybe you should  try and make it less random like buckshot roulette

Pretty cool game with an interesting battle style! I liked the rock-paper-scissors style combat honestly! 


The game is ok, but I feel like the combat is too random, long, and not fun. I died with 8 lives, against an enemy with only 2.

I wish there was a way to guess the enemy attack, or just make it where it's not random. Maybe a way where you can spend one heart to know what's the next move? Have every enemy with a specific pattern? Make it so one enemy only do one move everytime? It would alleviate a lot of the issues standing currently, and make the game feel a bit more fair.

I would cut a few seconds out of the animation where the enemy choose its move, or maybe even make it instant. It makes the battles feel almost twice as long, it gets really annoying when you're in a fight that just won't stop.

 I wish there was a way to avoid enemies or to outrun them; as it stands out, the fights are not worth your time; you're only losing time and maybe lives while fighting. There's nothing rewarding from doing them.

 Or maybe just have an extra rock-paper-scissor after the fight where you can get 0, 1 or 2 more health. It would definitely make it more nicer. I died once at the minotaur, and then I died at the enemy right before it; at this time I have absolutely no interest in replaying it because of those issues.


We are working to create enemies with patterns and on the game's artwork. We believe that by next Friday, update 0.1.5 will be live with a new game balancing."
